Despair… Fresh air… Repair…

Quick check. How many of you want to work for Amazon?
I mean, maybe if there was nothing else available, but what if you poured your heart and soul into a piece of work, and Amazon made most of the money?
What if they offered you a distribution deal that went like this:

- If you want to sell it for the KDP select, it has to be exclusive to Amazon? Oh, and they get 65% of the sales
- Or you can opt for 70% "royalties" but they'll charge $1.30 per copy for digital distribution (out of my 70%)

Shop IndependentAnd they won't run an ad that reads, "We were a bunch of high school seniors left alone and unsupervised with popcorn, pizza, soda, and lots and lots of inexpensive medical marijuana…"

Because mentioning medical marijuana is bad. Murder? Well, that's ok.

Oh, and they just rejected me from the Amazon Associates. No reason given. Just done. Really? Click the link and it says, "No access."

I'm going out for a walk.… Oh yeah, I can't. I'm in Quarantine for another 10 days. Ok. So I'm just going to go out back.

Then I'm going to come back and work on something that's never going to be on Amazon.

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